Happy Birthday, Elayna!!


What can I even say that isn’t completely repetitive? I feel like this is the thousandth time I want to say, “Where did the time go? How did my baby girl become so big?” 

There is something strange and amazing about motherhood (parenthood, maybe). 
I wake up day after day and, even though I know in my mind that she will continue to grow as all little ones do – that she will learn new things and need me less and less as her life goes on, I am still shocked each time I see her and feel that jolt of recognition that tells me that she is bigger yet again.

My heart isn’t ready for her to be four. 
Luckily, she is a fabulous four year old. Don’t get me wrong… she has her moments (I think I have said she is four going on fourteen several times recently), but overall she is still my smart, artistic, sensitive, loving, silly, beautiful, creative, generous, girl. I am blessed. 

As she gets bigger I see so many people in her. 
Certainly Jake most in her personality and spirit. My mother and myself in her face – (Mom especially when she laughs or gets really serious). My grandmother when she has an especially wise moment beyond her years (which must be how I remember grandma, as being wise). I see many others too. 
That is another beautiful part of being a parent. Seeing the little person who you created and realizing that all of your parents and siblings and grandparents are really part of them too. 

At four years old, Elayna loves: 
* My Little Ponies 
* Knock-knock jokes (Her favorite is “Knock-knock/ Who’s there? / Boo / Boo Who? / You don’t have to cry about it!!”) 
* Gymastics 
* Pig tails 
* Peanut butter and honey sandwiches, and not much else in the food department (with the exception of sugar!) 
* Forts and houses 
* Playing house and school (she is always the teacher) 
* Imaginary animal friends 
* Making up really long and involved stories- which often take place in her imaginary worlds 

At four years old, Elayna can: 
* Read at a first grade level (she can pick up most books at the library and read them… and forget about spelling things over her so she doesn’t know what you’re talking about!!) 
* Add and subtract some in her head with small numbers and can figure out more using fingers 
* Write fairly well and makes up spellings to things 
* Talk in rhyme sometimes. Okay, a lot. 😉
* Draw animals (pretty realistically too, thanks to a learn to draw book she adores)

Happy Birthday, Elayna!! 

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