Elayna loves getting mail…
… She gets to tear open the envelope (or help with the package) and then look at the contents, and she is always delighted with whatever she is sent!! She got two Valentine’s packages just before the holiday… One from Gram & Grampa Sandeen, and one from Great Grandma Ruth. She was pretty excited to…
Elayna’s 1st trip to the zoo!!
The babies had so much fun at the zoo together the other day!! I see many fun-filled, zoo field trips in the future! =)
Elayna’s First NON Date 😉
Elayna and Joaquin got all dressed up and went out to dinner together. It was in celebration of Valentine’s Day. They sat next to each other, chatted during dinner, and snuggled a little. Of course, this was a NON date, since she will not be dating until she is 30. 😉 “I’m ready to go…
Joaquin’s 1st Birthday (Party)
Elayna’s best friend Joaquin celebrated his 1st birthday last weekend! It was really fun being a part of the celebration and watching him enjoy being king for a day (he is usually just Prince Joaquin). Ha! Elayna was extra social and really in her element with all the guests there. We got a lot of…
Who knew Target was so fun?
I feel like my kid doesn’t get out enough… She was so excited to cruise around Target that you’d think we live under a rock! Haha!! This cracked me up. She wanted the milk. Ha! Running in Target! That’s right… we made her do some work, too. “Do we need bread, Mommy?”