Well, we haven’t had much snow (yet).
People warned me about Iowa and how extremely cold and super snowy it would be in the winter, but it seems that mother nature has cut us a break with this year (maybe I shouldn’t say that with snow in the immediate forecast – you never know what will happen!). It has snowed a few times, but only an inch or two and then it doesn’t stick around very long. This snow had been on the ground a few days when the weekend came and we decided to go play in it (Jan 21st). By the time we left home we realized it was actually melting and there was a light drizzle outside. Oh well! Snow that is a little wet is all the better for building a snowman in!
E loved helping us roll the balls to make up the snowman’s body (“Frosty” of course). Then we went on a hunt to find the pieces for its nose, eyes, mouth, and arms. Afterwards, we made and threw some snowballs and enjoyed some swinging time.
What a wonderful winter day.

One response to “Elayna’s first snowman!! :)”
Wow! lots of great posts and beautiful pictures. Looks like you're really enjoying your new life! E is growing up so fast!! What a cutie pie!