Elayna and I had fun recently with some other mamas and little ones (thanks to friends Jenn and Neena) doing a fall craft. We all met at a lake nearby on a nice sunny day and let the kids explore and discover some leaves and things (which we held onto for them). After checking out the water for a little while, we all strolled (hiked if you are a 1-3 year old) back to our tables and made some leaf collages. 🙂 E really had fun sticking her leaves (and a stick for good measure) to her collage and was very proud of it afterward.
She made me giggle when I was taking her picture and she tried to let the leaves “be free” by throwing the collage towards the lake at the end. Luckily, it didn’t *quite* make it in, and we were able to bring it home with us. 🙂
Happy Fall!