To all of the amazing daddies out there… I hope you have a fantastic Father’s Day! 🙂

I had Elayna finish some sentences for me and her answers were very sweet. I wish I had recorded it!
My Daddy is….
“In love with me!”
“The best daddy.”
“My daddy loves me and I love him!”
My favorite thing about my Daddy is…
“His eyes.”
“How silly he is.”
I love my Daddy because…
“He really wants to stay with me.”
“He plays games with me.”
“He is my best friend.”
Super cute, right?!?
She definitely got lucky with Jake.
He is the kind of daddy who will play guitar alongside his four year old “playing guitar” and make it beautiful and fun music. The kind of daddy who enjoys his adventures with his little girl as much as any other adventure he might go on because he knows how fleeting this time is, and he finds it to be precious. He is the kind of daddy who will never, ever make his little girl feel as if she is anything but perfect. The kind who will drop what he is doing if she asks him to be with her instead. The kind who will show her as she grows up that being kind and patient with others will go far.
He is the kind of daddy that women cross their fingers and hope to find for their someday children. She is so lucky… and so am I.
Thank you, Jake for being the man/ husband/ best-friend/ father/ daddy that I hoped to find. Elayna and I both know that we are blessed to have you by our sides. We love you so much!! 🙂