I really can’t believe my baby girl is already 2 1/2.
It goes too fast already, and I know that won’t change as she gets bigger. I wish I could keep her as my little baby girl forever, but the reality is that she is becoming such a big girl now. She isn’t really a baby anymore!
Some of this isn’t new, but I wanted to update you all.
At this age, Elayna can:
* Count items up to 29 (still not perfectly above 20, but she’s getting there), identify numbers 1-29.
* Sing her ABC’s, identify letters, tell you what sound each letter makes.
* Often tell you what letter a word starts with, if you ask her and enunciate well.
* Spell her name.
* Spell Mom and Dad (she wrote Mom once and I almost fell over!)
* Draws some letters, sometimes. 😉
* Tell you what her full name is, and that she is 2.
* Ask for things the correct way of speaking. Ex. “Mommy, can you push this button please.” Or, ” Milk, please, Mommy.”
* Sing MANY songs (pretty much verbatim) that she has learned.
* Rock and feed her babies.
* Play pretend with all her animals and friends… they have some crazy adventures. Quite in-depth too. They often help each other along the way, and are always polite.
* Says “I love you” back when we say it.
* Helps with getting dressed.
* Is potty trained.
* Loves to swing and slide, read books, play pretend with her stuffed friends (and little figures too), play play-doh, “cook” in the kitchen and have meals/tea parties, wear capes, play Simon Says, sing songs, dance like crazy, and go to the library for storytime.
As you can see, my life is as wonderful as it could be. She is a joy, and we are so very blessed.
Love you all!
Oh, and for her “half birthday” we took her to Finnegan’s (the big BIG toystore downtown) and let her pick a new friend to continue her adventures with. She chose Larry the dragon (there is a Larry the dragon in her special princess bedtime stories that Jake tells her). Here are a couple shots from the outing.