I can’t describe how I felt tonight while watching E at her first swim class…
At one point Jake had to scoot over and hold my hand because he could see the tears building up and threatening to fall.
I don’t take this for granted. Not for a second.
She was in a group of six kiddos and she blended right in.
People sort
of glance at us now and (I think, anyway) wonder if we cut her hair
super short. You can’t be sure to look at her that she even had cancer.
It’s certainly not obvious that we just had the year we did. I watch her
living her life and I feel so blessed and so happy and so…. almost
guilty. I wish that all of the oncology families I know could be where I am… I wish all of our kids could just be kids.
For today, I am grateful that E got to be a kid. Excited about her
first swim class. Making new friends. Experiencing great joy.
we left for the night she watched the high school kids swimming laps and
said “In no time I will be swimming the laps! I am going to be a great
swimmer someday!” I said “You certainly are, sweetie.” And inside I
beamed. She is going to be so many things. I can’t wait to watch her
life unfold. 🙂
Love you all.