Happy New Year, everyone! In our house, we are looking forward to this year with happy hearts. This year we plan to live and love more than ever before. This year we plan to move forward and create some awesome “normal” family memories. This year we plan to be kind and give back. It’s going to be the best year ever. 😉
This month our Songs of Life blog circle was shooting for the song, My Favorite Things, from the Sound of Music. If you would like to hear the song while looking at these photos, click here.
When I originally listened to this song I imagined a session in the snow with snowflakes that stay on nose and eyelashes (which didn’t happen since it hasn’t snowed). Or the paper packages tied up with string (hello, Christmas). Or even the girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes (have you met my kid? She dresses like that half the time anyway). In the end though, I thought about what the song really says to me…
When I’m feeling sad. I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don’t feel so bad.
I can relate to that a LOT. When we were going through treatment I would often have to refocus my thoughts on the reasons for what we were doing. Past and future memories to fight for. I had to think of a few of my favorite things in order to keep putting one foot in front of the other sometimes.
These pictures represent what I felt like we were fighting for….. In the simplest way, these are some of my favorite things…
Daddy and E doing something simple and fun in our home… Elayna being SUPER into being a little geologist (dreaming of her future) – learning and enjoying and laughing. Watching them and feeling so much love and happiness in the simplicity of the memory.
I have to tell you… it is SO worth fighting for.
Since it’s New Year’s Day, I feel like I want to say something else here.
I urge all of you to value your time.
I know we hear this a lot, but please…. if you could do one thing for our family it would be that. Simply value it. I would love to think that Elayna’s fight put things into perspective for a lot of us… maybe then it wasn’t for nothing.
My goal for this year is to continue to see things the way I am seeing them now. With a little more clarity and purpose and JOY.
Love you all!