Elayna has always loved learning, and I really enjoy watching her learn new things, so we’ve always read a lot, done puzzles, and played with flash cards. Well, recently I decided its time for her to start pre-pre-school. Haha!! I got a workbook and got copies for both of the kids so we can use this more than once. I laughed when I realized it said ages 3-5 on it and E already knows a lot of it, but it’s still a fun way to practice things and she still has a lot to learn.
We started with the worksheets that they color letters on. Its good practice for taking directions and learning their letters. Since it’s new and advanced for them, I just do a letter each day that we do it. So when we did the letter “B” we talked about Big B & little b, what sound B makes, what things start with B (this is a favorite game of E’s anyway), and we looked for things that had B sounds in their names. Then we did the worksheets together. They really get a kick out of it. I think they still prefer the actual coloring book pages, but this has been a fun way to get them involved in their education early on! 🙂