Well, some of you wont be surprised to hear her latest skill. She has known what sounds each of her letters made for months and months, but beyond getting her to tell me that “cat” was the letters c-a-t and telling me the individual sounds, she never really got stringing it all together and recognizing the word. I will admit that she is so darn smart already that I let it go for a while, and hadn’t tried in several months to get her to read a word. So imagine my surprise when I hear Jake writing words with her on the magnadoodle and her reading them! She would sound the letters out and then happily say the word, so proud of herself. I nearly fell over. She can read your beginner words like cat, bat, mat, sat; sad, mad; dog, log, and many more. More surprising is that she can sound out words like glad, look, book, pup, moon, and more. She likes to tell me that two o’s makes the sound “oo” so I won’t forget… and she can spell words for you without looking at the letters too by sounding them out a bit. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I am so proud of her and so excited because of my love of reading (which started at an early age as well)… this is the beginning of lifelong adventure through books and it is a blessing to watch her face light up as she starts out.
She …. READS!

I can hardly believe how big my sweet girl is. I know I say that too often, but it still amazes me each day to watch her and realize that she has learned another skill, become a larger, smarter, little girl version of the baby that I once had to do everything for. She has become quite independent lately. A sure sign of her third birthday coming soon, I hear. 😉
2 responses to “She …. READS!”
I am so proud of her as well ! I had to brag to my coworkers and they were flabbergasted!I love you all and miss you have a great day !
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Mom
WOW! What a little smartie pants! 🙂 Brendan is slowly starting to learn how to sound out words. Its so cute.