I can hardly believe it.
It’s so bittersweet watching my best girl growing up.
is all of the joy I could have ever imagined, and I am SO very grateful
and blessed to be allowed to witness her growing bigger and having
birthdays, but I ache each year she grows. I cherish her snuggles and
having her on my lap. I cherish her sweet kisses and her wishing for me
to play with her. I know how fleeting time is. This year more than ever.
After her cancer diagnosis in April there were times when I
realized with a shock that this birthday was not guaranteed to me. That
none were. That our time was a blessing and not a given. Of course we
all feel that we know this… life is short, blah blah…. but let me
tell you that knowing it and understanding and feeling it are
very different things. This birthday is a gift and I cherish it. I
believe we have many more birthdays to celebrate together, but I do not
know that and I will not take that for granted.
All I know for now is that remission is a beautiful thing and we are planning to make the most of it. We are planning to live.
Six is going to be awesome. So much better than five. 😉
*Thank you to Gia Rose Designs
(giarosedesigns.https://www.etsy.com/shop/GiaRoseDesigns) for the custom
made dress and headband. LOVE everything you’ve made for E! 🙂