Three amazing years have gone by since the day Elayna came into our world. The time has gone a little too quickly for my taste, but it has been the sweetest three years I could ever imagine. I hope that she is always as loving a girl as she is now. 🙂
Some of her new developments (in this past year) are that she can:
* Read!! This has been a really fun development. She can read a lot of words now… and she likes to sound things out when we are out and about. The other day she asked me “Mommy. What’s a truck ro-uh-t”? She was reading the “Truck Route” sign while we were parked at the light. Made me smile. She often does this now. She likes that there are some books in her library that she can read all by herself. They are full of simple words and she enjoys reading me books sometimes now. It makes me so happy to see how proud she is of this accomplishment.
* Rhyme (She will often say things like “ball rhymes with wall, Mommy. Ball. Wall. Call. Doll. Mall. Fall. Those rhyme!”)
* Make up stories. Oh boy. This is a fun one. She does it when we are out sometimes and the stories always make me laugh. If she and I are at the mall the stories start something like “Princess Elayna and Queen Mommy were at the mall one day and THEN………” and it goes off on some non-sense adventure. It usually ends with hot chocolate and a nap, which I love.
*Write most of her letters… and some words. She has made some cute cards for friends and family with their names written on them. Sometimes she will ask me how to spell a name, other times she knows and writes them without any help (like Papa, Mom, Dad, or Elayna). Some letters are still hard for her, but she likes to write I love you. She does an I, a cute heart, and a U.
* We are still working on adding. So far we just do addition on her fingers. We can ask her what 2 plus 4 is and she will put up the right number of fingers on each hand and count for the total.
Other random things from birthday week:
She just had her fingernails painted for the first time and likes it quite a bit (she has had her toes done a couple times before).
She woke me up the other day by laying her head next to me on the pillow and saying “I am toast and you are my peanut butter.” We both liked it and now those are our nicknames for each other. If I say “I love you, Toast!” she responds, “I love you too, Peanut Butter!” Oh, the fun we have. 😉
As I always say, she is a smart and joyful girl. We couldn’t be more blessed and we are looking forward to the next year of this adventure with our big girl.

One response to “Someone is THREE!!!”
oh my! She is 3???? Happy Birthday little E!!
Love the peanut butter/toast story! So adorable and priceless!